
Palma weather in May

May average temperature: 17-22°C

The average air temperature in Palma in May is 17..22°C, feels-like temperature 16..22°C. Average nighttime temperature in May 17°C and average daytime temperature 22°C.

The highest May temperature in the Palma was recorded on 22 May 2022 and was 34°C, the lowest record temperature in the last 30 years was 9°C and was recorded on 1 May 2018.

May temperature in Palma by days

Average air temperatures in May in Palma, °C

Mean Temperature

Day Mean Temperature

Night Mean Temperature

Average Max Temperature

Average Min Temperature

May weather averages in Palma

Record high* 33.8°C
Mean maximum 25.3°C
Daytime mean 20.3°C
Daily mean 19.1°C
Nighttime mean 17.2°C
Mean minimum 15.5°C
Record low* 9.4°C
Average month precipitation 30mm
Average relative humidity 70%
Average dew point 12.9°C
Mean wind speed 11.1km/h
Average surface pressure 1012 mb
* Record high and Record low values based on last 30 years weather data.

Weather in May