About OneWeather.com

OneWeather is a start-up headquartered in Dubai (UAE), our mission is to provide accurate weather forecasts for major cities around the world to end users using modern information delivery methods.

Data We Use

In order to make our forecast reliable we use most trusted weather data provided by national weather institutions around the world:

The way of making forecasts

We use most optimal weather models depending on geographical location and term of the weather forecast including local US, Canadian, Japanese and Europeans weather models.

High resolution local weather models updated with the data of global weather models in order to make seamless weather forecasts. Machine learning algorithms continuously compare the forecasts and actual weather conditions defining the most effective way to make reliable weather forecasts for the end users.

Weather Models We Use

We use multiple weather forecast models local and global including: NOAA GFS, ECMWF IFS, JMA GSM, JMA MSM, GEM, AROME, ARPEGE, MEPS.